Thursday, November 10, 2011

Creative Matters is happy to donate a rug for a silent auction on behalf of Vitanova

The Vitanova Foundation is a Woodbridge-based, non-profit corporation chartered by the Province of Ontario and a registered Canadian charity that provides a range of addiction-related services to individuals, families, and the community at large, all at no charge---services that include education, prevention, assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, shelter and aftercare.

For the past 23 years "Friends of Vitanova" have organized a special event and silent auction to help raise money for their Foundation. The 24th Annual Event is being held on Sunday November 27, 2011 at Da Vinci Banquet Hall (5732 Hwy. #7 Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada). Reception & Antipasto Bar 4:00pm and Dinner 5:00pm (Cash Bar). This celebration requires a reservation to attend, to purchase tickets please visit the Vitanova Foundation (Tickets: Adults $100.00, Children (12 & under) $40.00).

(photo of our donated carpet)

We chose this charity as we like to support our local community as well as our international ones (as we do through our partnerships with GoodWeave and Label Step in Nepal and India). In all cases we understand the need to help families through difficult times.

The rug we have donated is 4' x 6' handknotted custom one-of-a- kind carpet. For this we specified wool and viscose, and had it made in India. The viscose pattern shimmers like silk and was inspired by curvilinear metal railings with a playful chain link border. The sheen of the viscose offers a sparkling element next to the richness of the wool.

Don't miss this opportunity to support a great cause, enjoy the "Friends of Vitanova" event on November 27th and bid on some wonderful donations.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Textile Museum of Canada Fundraising - ReDesign 2011

(The CMI team with the winning bidder of our chair)

What a great night! The Gladstone Hotel was packed with makers, designers, and supporters of the textile museum. We were delighted to be involved with our chair "From the Ground Up". When we got our chair from the textile museum, it's simplicity and unusual orange red/black combination had us start where we always do - from the ground up. We designed a custom carpet with gradation of black through to the orange/red tone and finished the rug with a single "button" a raised puff of wool. The chair has been painted so the legs blend into the carpet for one seamless entity.

(Our finished chair photo Credit: Jill Kitchener)

The silent auction had the room filled with people hovering near their favourite chairs (we were delighted that a number of people bid on ours!) and by 8:45 the bell rang and the chairs all found new homes. Here is the link to see some of the photos of other chairs that had been redesigned - from cutting up the chair into pieces and stringing it on the wall like a necklace to romantic writing embroidered on the seat ("I will always love you") and lovely crocheted fabric attached to the back of the chair.

(Abbey with the chair she won, "Sketch for Quilt Number Seven" by Grant Heaps)

(Maddy with the chair she won, "The Component Parts of a Lazy Chair" by Georgia Dickie)

It was a great triumph. We were delighted to be invited and wish the Textile Museum of Canada ongoing success.